Testicle Cancer More Condition_symptoms How Do You Die Of Testicle Cancer?

How do you die of testicle cancer? - testicle cancer more condition_symptoms

What happens to die, to die slowly? And if some SIMPTOME testicular cancer outside, as in other parts of the body?


LV said...

be treated as a rule, people and removes the testicles, I believe that testicular cancer is to kill, if metastisizes to grow isleft and etc. to other organs, lungs,

411spong... said...

uhhh yeah ... hmmm

BoyB said...

They die covered in any kind of cancer at an earlier time, not working well and sometimes the treatment.

Oklahoma... said...

You will probably die slowly. The cancer has finally spread to the rest of the body. Probably not deadly until it reaches the lungs, heart or brain.

What are the symptoms - I'm not sure. I never had the disease - not what I want. (Then again, who does?)

03170814... said...

uhhh .......

Darqblad... said...

It starts with pain and swelling of one or both testicles, and then moves through the lymphatic system, a cancer of the lymphatic system through the lymph nodes in the abdomen, between the testicles and abdomen, where, by metastasis (breakage of small parts of the cancer, grow and gather in other places), which runs through the lymphatic system, causing fatigue, nausea, weight loss and swollen lymph nodes in the body. It is very painful, difficult to heal, and once infected via the lymphatic organs, the prognosis is not good!

If you think you might have a problem, then by all means, turn it checked out! Chemotherapy is not a good feeling, but it is better to die of cancer! Some find relief from nausea caused by chemotherapy by smoking marijuana, but there is Marinol, a legal drug for nausea pot can prescribe the doctor.

There is no such thing as testicular torsion, where the tubes can be bent testicles, cutting off the blood supply, can cause a fire in such a short1 hours, leading to death if not treated, and epididial miosis, an infection of the upper part of the testes, where the tube that leads into the penis sperm from the testicles. This can be very painful, but curable with antibiotics.

Hope this helps. If you have problems, please contact immediately asking for help, because if the catch can be cured even with a good prognosis.

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