Abortion Diagram Should Partial Birth Abortion Be Legal Or Illegal?

Should partial birth abortion be legal or illegal? - abortion diagram

If you know anything about it then you are here .......

http://www.nrlc.org/ABORTION/pba/diagram ...


ka3udr said...

It is murder, and everyone in the practice, or who support this practice involved should arrested for murder and hung up.

Angela Q said...

I prefer only the birth abortion, myself.

Fact: Abortion entire period of healthy babies never happened.

Fact: The Conservatives like to believe that women abort babies born at term in good health all the time without reason.

Reality: The people who believe that abortion is in terms of healthy babies is a major problem are delusional.

meg said...

Late abortions are only performed if it is the lesser evil in the decision of the woman and her doctor, already regulated by law. It is always a difficult decision for those involved. If abortion is not that it matters, which method is used because the results are the same .. The fact that it is nice to see, is irrelevant, many communities have changed medical procedures conscientious observers, should also be made against the law.

Sandy said...

I agree with Winnie "In my opinion, only if the mother's life is in danger or has been determined that the baby could not survive outside the womb due to illness or infirmity.

It is very difficult for me because they can have children without high risk of fertility drugs and surgery is not something that I was ready when I was younger, and I'm certainly not willing to take a child from growing up with parents of seniors, whilst still in primary school. But I do not think losing a woman's life is anything positive to grow a productive member of society, especially when your mother dies in childbirth.

shjOlds_... said...


Date updated:

General Patton
You make a wonderful time. During the 1930 and '40 's Catholic Germany saw nothing wrong with the way people took either. The Liberals do not see the comparison. I think that is the punishment for them, do not want to see the truth.

I wish you and Joe McCarthy have our President and Vice President of the present. The problem liberals never been so far.

Wright the Radical said...

Absolutely not! That's just sick! Who preformed an abortion of this kind (or an abortion!) Should be sentenced to life imprisonment, and the mother should serve 7-10 years. Killing a child is the worse form of murder. I'm totally shocked at how many people believe it has happened for something that can be acceptable ... The baby feels the pain! This is not because he does not imply any conscious thought as an adult that you are!

Wright the Radical said...

Absolutely not! That's just sick! Who preformed an abortion of this kind (or an abortion!) Should be sentenced to life imprisonment, and the mother should serve 7-10 years. Killing a child is the worse form of murder. I'm totally shocked at how many people believe it has happened for something that can be acceptable ... The baby feels the pain! This is not because he does not imply any conscious thought as an adult that you are!

gen patton said...

Certainly, if you are pregnant and you do not want a baby, just to kill. Let us therefore think about all cancer patients. are the terminals, so lets get rid of it. Let us therefore think about all the older people who can not contribute more to society, get rid of them. if you do not think as we get rid of you. Where will it end?.

NONAME said...

See one of them is the pizza that the volume on. If you do not keep food down and not after the other, his decision should always legal. I once in person. It was all I could do to keep my lunch yesterday.

Monster said...

The partial birth abortion is simply wrong. I am totally against any kind of abortion. I appreciate the life and one who gives life and must be the only one that comes to life. Enough said.

winnie said...

In my opinion, only if the mother's life is in danger or has been determined that the baby could not survive outside the womb due to illness or infirmity.

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