Congratulate The Engagement When Meeting A Couple Who Just Announced Their Engagement, Is It Proper To Congratulate Both People?

When meeting a couple who just announced their engagement, is it proper to congratulate both people? - congratulate the engagement

I read somewhere or heard that a man should be praised, cousin was probably the best deal :-)
The woman should know that his, well that sounds good, etc.
Has anybody heard anything?
Two of my friends are short, and I'll probably see them separately .... involved


Slipped Halo said...

Movinonup Welcome! Yes, it is fair to congratulate both parties. I've never heard of separate or different.

When I got married, never offended anyone hear, congratulations. I'd say go for it.

Good luck with it! Let me know how it goes.

VeggieTart -- Praise Seitan! said...

According to a recent Miss Manners, the show congratulations to Mr and Mrs: I am very happy for you! "

gigue120... said...

Compliment the only man! (Success)
Enter the best wishes of happiness of the girl, because he deserves it. (Although still weighs less than a Buick)

jollybea... said...

throw, because only one person is only a few, when the child is born to parents both congratulte coz it is not the mother, who was working hahaha

ladyleo8... said...

They congratulate the men and women tell how happy she is.

betternh... said...

I agree with Ladyleo. You're welcome man on the assumption "of his proposal and give their best ideas and wishes of the bride. I am a wedding planner / caterer.

betternh... said...

I agree with Ladyleo. You're welcome man on the assumption "of his proposal and give their best ideas and wishes of the bride. I am a wedding planner / caterer.

betternh... said...

I agree with Ladyleo. You're welcome man on the assumption "of his proposal and give their best ideas and wishes of the bride. I am a wedding planner / caterer.

Anonymous said...

should in any case, I congratulate them.

offtheme... said...

Never heard of what he about your question.
We have always welcomed them both.

tasty said...


thirsty mind said...

We always say: "We wish him good luck."

sirburd said...

I do not know, but we seem to say, man

"Wow, for the person that what you like ... I'm very glad you found happiness, someone who really wants someone to give and take care of yourself, to share with you a lifetime."

and you say, women

"That's OK, just like the rest of the day, what's new?"


"Are you sure you want to do that."
"Ok, it was expected that a woman a man can fall in love with her baby, you make your house, wash clothes so ... why should we congratulate you that you're gone forward and not just what you expected?
(I am not saying that what he says, "I say, this is what is heard.)

Ugh --- Anyway You Look At It, being given the message, especially when he said: "Today I met _____ welcomed our involvement."
and she said:
"Hmmm, I do not applaud. I wonder why it happened." \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt;br> Yes, I can see, where to return the label, a battle or two friends who lose the potential to.

I hope you see what I mean. My feelings are - to follow his instincts ... somehow you can not make mistakes, and if they have not understood in this way, your friends probably do not .. If you say congratulations to her, all he did was to change Miss Manners has not changed friends.

Christia... said...


polumbo said...

Handshake and a pat on the back.


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